I really have to concentrate!

I often get asked; "I have to really concentrate during Pilates sessions, is that normal?"

Yup. Totally normal, and in fact exactly what you want!

How many times a day are you thinking about what you're physically doing? Often I'm washing up and thinking about what to cook for dinner, or I'm driving somewhere and thinking about what I need to do that night when I get home.

Doing a Pilates session I'm thinking only about what I'm doing.

How my body is moving, how I'm breathing, how I'm feeling.  It's basically a form of active meditation, and that is an incredibly positive thing.

It is this type of "mindful movement" which is so great for our recovery, by lowering your heart rate and blood pressure, reducing stress, improving your overall well being.

So embrace the concentration.  After a while the movements and balance become muscle memory, and then you can increase the challenge to progress both your concentration and your strength.

If you want to get going with some sessions, either check out the free ones available on the app, or check out the YouTube channel to get started!

7 day FREE trial HERE


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