Are they helping you or leaving you exposed to injury?

Hips play a vital role in delivering power to your stride, as they're essential for controlling the movement and force in your leg as it strikes the ground.

The level of your control can either enhance the power in your stride, or leave you exposed to a higher risk of common running injuries like runner's knee, IT band syndrome, sciatica etc

Have you tested your hips recently? If youโ€™re not sure where you stand with your hip strength and stability, then check out the runner's hip test HERE.

It's a great indication as to whether your hip strength and stability is hurting you, or helping you out on the roads and trails ๐Ÿ™Œ

Think you might need to work on hip strength and stability? Check out this YouTube session to get you started


How young are you feeling?


"Run often. Run long. But never outrun your joy of running"